Meet the Team

Scott Strissel

Kristy Barlow
Administrative Assistant

Penny Jamieson
Children's Director

Laura McDanal
Worship Director

Randall Jamieson
Outreach Director

Deborah Stephenson
Wes McDanal

About Us

Reach Out: Learn More about Our Church
Email: office@brookviewchurch.org
Pastor's email: pastorscott@brookviewchurch.org
Phone: (205) 956-6425
Address: 3699 Belmont Rd. Irondale, Alabama

Church Service -
Sunday School: 9:30 am
Church: 10:30 am
Wednesday Night Programs-
Community Dinner: 5:30 pm
Adult Bible Study & Teen Youth Group: 6:15 pm
Sages Senior Group-
Second Monday of the Month at 11:30 am

Join us

We're a family-focused church that's all about community. Come experience a casual atmosphere, friendly faces, and vibrant worship. We're passionate about sharing the hope of Jesus and growing together in His likeness.
Our Mission
KNOW God and His saving grace through Jesus His Son and to be filled and empowered through His Holy Spirit. To KNOW God’s people developing relationships with them so that we may lead them to Christ and to the Body of Christ
GROW in our relationship with God and people through Discipleship, worship, ministry, and fellowship,
GO share the Good News of Christ with our neighbors and community through service and relationship; Go, again and again